We securely radiate your messages with appropriate intensity over our managed converged communications infrastructure. Powered by world-class software which feature enhancements from XRAY VUTM, increased visibility is realized in your Room with a VUTM.

Architected and supported by an expert team of highly specialized systems professionals, our enterprise grade XRAY SystemTM is designed to reach the broadest audience reliably across today's technology powered communications mediums.

We provide the ideal communication platform for mid-sized corporations while providing flexibility for smaller departments and organizations with restricted budgets to securely and reliably meet their communications goals through our intuitive, self-serve hosting interface.

Highlights of our communications infrastructure include:

· XRAY VUTM Monitoring, Reporting and Management Suite
· Secure and Controlled Facilities
· 24x7x365 Emergency Support
· Multi-homed Gigabit Networks
· Free UPS and Diesel/Fuel-Cell Generator Power Back-up
· Secure and Robust Cisco and Linux hardware
· 100% Network Uptime
· Real Time Monitoring


Yellow Brick House provides emergency shelter, counselling and education for women and their children...

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